Smart Network Reputation Service (SNRS) is an AI-powered Engine, which analyzes email server reputation,
domain reputation, IP reputation based on over 800+ different data sources, including proprietary data sources, blacklists,
cloud email delivery services, security services, and cloud APIs to determine company's email reputation and privide an extensive report on daily basis.
All scores are based on a scale of 0 to 100, where 0 is the worst,
and 100 is the best possible score. A score represents that IP
address's rank as measured against other IP addresses, much like a
percentile ranking.
PlatOps' AI-powered SNRS is derived from a proprietary PlatOps algorithm and represents an IP address's overall performance against metrics important to both internet service providers (ISPs) and their customers receiving your email. For senders, this score represents the overall health of your email programs as they appear to receiving systems. In most cases, scores are calculated on a rolling 30-day average.
ISPs and filtering companies provide us with aggregate, non-personal data they collect from their subscribers. If someone receiving an email complains about it to their ISP, by hitting the “Report Spam” button, for example, we get a copy of that report. ISPs and filtering companies also report other metrics about the mail they receive.
Yes, PlatOps provides libraries and patches to integrate your own email server with our cloud service to better protect your
customers and users from spam, both including outgoing and ingoing, as well as malware, harmful email attachments and so on.
We also have an integration with various open-source Email servers/services, like Postfix, Exim, Open-Xchange, qmail, Sendmail, and priprietary like Gmail, Microsoft Office 365, iCloud, etc.
Complaints: This score represents how complaints about that IP address compare to all other IP addresses observed by the Sender Score Reputation Network. Complaint rates are calculated as complaints divided by accepted mail and complaint scores are a rank based on your complaint rates.
Volume: Volume is not in itself good or bad but is an important part of the overall reputation algorithm. For example, an IP address which sends 100 messages and receives 99 complaints is problematic, while an IP address which sends 100,000 messages and receives 99 complaints is likely OK. A higher score equates to larger volume monitored by the SNRS Reputation Network.
External Reputation: This score shows how the IP address compares to all other IP addresses seen by the SNRS Reputation Network on a variety of external blocklists and whitelists.
Unknown Users: This score represents the rank of the IP address's unknown user rate compared to all other IP addresses seen by the SNRS Reputation Network. Unknown user rates are taken directly from incoming SMTP logs of participating ISPs, tracking how often an IP address attempts to send a message to an address which does not exist.
Rejected: This represents how often messages are rejected (bounced due to some policy reason, usually spam filtering or blocklisting) compared to other IP addresses seen in the SNRS Reputation Network.
No. The SNRS is derived using a formula developed by PlatOps based on modeling sending IPs versus their likelihood of engaging in behaviors viewed negatively by ISPs and filtering companies. The various individual indices contribute to the overall SNRS, as well as additional data elements not represented by any individual index.
Receivers use the SNRS as context to their mail filtering decisions. A simple implementation may be to reject all mail with a SNRS beneath some level they deem acceptable. A more complicated implementation may be to whitelist IP addresses with SNRSs above some threshold but blacklist senders who have recently hit a spam trap, or generate very high complaint rates. Some ISPs use SNRS as a guide for how many messages to accept from an individual IP address within a set period of time. This is often called “throttling” or “rate limiting”. For example, the higher the SNRS, the more messages that IP address can send to that ISP. With a lower SNRS, attempts to send more messages than are allowed, can mean your messages are rejected (usually as a temporary failure.)
Universally, the higher your SNRS, the better chance your mail will be accepted by an ISP and delivered to your intended recipient. The lower an IP address's SNRS, the more likely that ISPs and anti-spam systems, including those which do not query SNRS directly will reject or filter the mail.
Senders can use SNRS data to monitor their own sending behavior, and quickly identify problem spots. For example, identifying sources of complaints or knowing whether mail from your network hits spam traps can allow you to resolve any issues before they begin to impact delivery of all mail from your network.
No. SNRS does not directly block or accept email, unless company integrates their email servers with our AI-powered SNRS tool. Receiving email networks and ISPs may query SNRS and use the result as a means for assessing their email traffic and allowing or rejecting email. Only the receiving network can ultimately determine if your email is delivered. Even if the receiving network does not utilize SNRS data directly, in most cases they will be looking at similar metrics. Therefore, the work involved in improving your SNRS generally improves the chances your email will be delivered everywhere.